So let me say one thing and then we'll move on for now. If the "system" (which is really not an object at all, rather a name we put on the way we humans barter our time) is not a moral system, whether it be immoral or amoral or anything else, I see a problem. I've voiced this to Jason and Audra already, but thought I'd drop it here as well.
I was listening to NPR yesterday. They were talking about whether our morals are inborn or taught (nature vs nurture). A caller said if most of us are ruled by morals, there must be people on the earth who are amoral and maybe we can study their genetics to find out what is different- and maybe what causes a person to have morals.
The scientist on the show said that was an interesting question and that there are people on the planet who are amoral. They have no bias as to whether an action is "right" or "wrong." They are psychopaths. Their decisions are made based on something other than morals, thus they are more likely to take the path of least resistance or the most personally profitable route. Thereby murdering, raping, bilking people out of money, or whatever else they choose.
And that's the problem I see with capitalism. It's "market forces" push people to do things that are immoral, because the "system" doesn't make decisions based on right or wrong, rather supply and demand, profitability, risk-reward.
Now, I'm open to the possibility that there are other institutions that are in place (or should be) to steer us to modify our behavior despite the market forces and do what is right and just. Could religion be a guiding force? Laws? I assume so.
But the market is so big and diverse and clouded by marketing, it's hard to steer. And most people don't care.
Here's my question for the moment.
If we are to take personal responsibility, despite what the market tells us to do, how far do our responsibilities go? Am I responsible for treating my employees fairly? What about my creditors/suppliers? What about my customers? What about the farms that produce the coffees I roast? What about the people who pick the coffee cherries and cultivate the coffee trees on those farms?
What should I be accountable for?